Auckland Freight Routes - Auckland Transport

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Freight refers to any vehicle carrying freight. However, for the purpose of designing roads AT concentrates on the vehicle’s dimensions and weight ( >7.5 GVT and <=44 GVT - also called Heavy Commercial Vehicles(HCV) as they are the type that require design changes due to queue length, turning circles, stopping distances, hill gradients, etc.This data is obtained from our Asset Inventory Database and is refreshed weekly. Please note that while all due care has been taken in the preparation and provision of this service, Auckland Transport (AT) does not give any warranty that the information contained is accurate and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the use of the data. Users of this data should apply and rely upon their own skill and judgement when using the information, and consider the consequences arising from its use. This data should not be used in isolation from other sources of advice and information. Levels 4,5,6,7 in the data refers to the following regional freight network (RFN) levels 1A,1B,3 and 2 respectively.

Auckland Freight Routes - Auckland Transport


Sample Properties

  • {} 7 keys
    • 1001
    • "Freight Route"
    • 80137
    • 5
    • 14803
    • 139.46943974366
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