Swimmable Lakes
Request AccessWater quality for swimming categories for lakes with perimeters over 1.5 km. This dataset was used to compose the current state for water quality for swimming. This data is under review and will be updated in due course. This information is based on modelled and measured data using the approach outlined at www.mfe.govt.nz/fresh-water/national-targets-swimm... . The modelling methods used are outlined in Snelder et al. (2016) Strategic assessment of New Zealand’s freshwaters for recreational use: a human health perspective. LWP Client Report 2016-011 www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/fresh-water/strategic... Column headings: LID: LID from Freshwater Environments of New Zealand (FENZ) Name: Lake name Category: Water quality for swimming category see www.mfe.govt.nz/fresh-water/freshwater-management-... Note blank cells are lakes where a prediction was not possible because of missing predictor variables. Lake_Permeter(m): lake perimeter in metres Regional_council: Regional council
![Swimmable Lakes](https://storage.googleapis.com/dataset-preview-images/c_geojson_swimmable_lakes.png)
Sample Properties
- {} 5 keys▶
- 3
- "Lake Kohangapiripiri"
- "Wellington RC"
- "green"
- 1