Southland - Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020

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Southland - Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020 - Floodway means an area managed by Environment Southland that has the effect or is intended to have the effect of regulating or controlling the flow or spread of flood water. Floodway areas are included in this layer, and in Appendix 2 of the bylaw. The areas are indicative, they are defined more precisely in the bylaw. The Southland Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020 aims to ensure the effective operation and integrity of flood control works owned by, or under the control of, Environment Southland. Climate change is expected to lead to increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall in the future. We anticipate that our flood control works identified in this bylaw will change in the future in order to effectively prepare for the impacts of climate change. Southland Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020

Southland - Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020


Sample Properties

  • {} 6 keys
    • 93
    • "Aparima River"
    • "Floodway"
    • "Indicative only - the best available river centrelines, at the time, were buffered by 100m. The intention is to include the surrounding low lying areas."
    • 7939768.4873046875
    • 77915.36649469027
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