Wellington Tracks
Request AccessWellington - Tracks, Location and details of WCC tracks within the Wellington City area. Note that this data is updated regularly. Links to References: NZ Standard (SNZ HB 8630:2004) - http://hutsandtracks.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/SNZ-Tracks-and-Outdoor-Visitor-Structures-Handbook.pdf Kennet Brothers Grading System adopted by DOC and WCC - http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/things-to-do/mountain-biking/track-grades/
Sample Properties
- {} 21 keys▶
- 1
- "Shared Use"
- "Mt Albert Park"
- "Southern Walkway"
- "Southern Walkway"
- "Southern Walkway - access to reservoir on Mt Albert"
- "Southern Walkway"
- "Walking Track"
- "Easy"
- "4WD – Shared Use"
- "Two Way"
- "No"
- "No"
- "X-Country"
- 328.2206235392533
- "No"
- ""
- "Signature"
- "No"
- ""
- "Southern Walkway"