Wellington Regional Council NRP Schedule H1 Regionally significant primary contact recreation

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Wellington Regional Council - NRP Schedule H1 Regionally significant primary contact recreation, Schedule H identifies lakes and rivers that have been identified as having regionally significant primary contact recreation values. Primary contact recreation means activities such as swimming or boating where there is a high chance of becoming immersed in water. The schedule derives from Table 15, Appendix 1 of the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region (RPS). Table 15 of the RPS was developed from a study (Wellington Regional Council 2009) into recreational uses of water undertaken for the development of the proposed RPS and further refined through the Schedule 1 process to produce a finalised list for the operative RPS. The waterbodies identified in Table 15 of the RPS as having swimming, kayaking and/or canoeing values were considered appropriate to be recognised in the Plan as having regionally significant primary contact recreation values. Note: Schedule H1 sets out priority waterbodies for improvement of water quality where it is known that the waterway does not meet an identified minimum acceptable state for either primary or secondary contact recreation in accordance with the National Objectives Framework. Those waterbodies that did not have primary recreation contact values identified in Table 15 were not considered to have regionally significant primary contact recreation values and are not included in this feature class. Wellington Regional Council. 2013. Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington region. Publication no. GW/EP-G-13/21. http://www.gw.govt.nz/assets/Plans--Publications/Regional-Policy-Statement/RPS-Full-Document.pdf Wellington Regional Council. 2009. Selection of rivers and lakes with significant amenity and recreational values. Publication no. GW/EP-G-09/28. http://www.gw.govt.nz/assets/Plans--Publications/Selection-of-Rivers-and-Lakes-with-Significant-Amenity-and-Recreational-Values.pdf

Wellington Regional Council NRP Schedule H1 Regionally significant primary contact recreation

Sample Properties

  • {} 10 keys
    • 1
    • "First priority water bodies - primary contact"
    • "Hutt"
    • "River"
    • 38.55623626
    • 19.27811813
    • "Schedule H1: Significant contact recreation freshwater bodies"
    • "Policy P63: Improving water quality for contact recreation and Māori customary use"
    • 38556.23457323
    • "Pakuratahi River"
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