Australia - City of Yarra childcare centres

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Australia - This data asset has information about childcare centres in Yarra. Childcare centre attributes include name, operator (whether it is Council or company that operates the centre), maximum allowable capacity, phone contact and website link. While all due care has been taken to ensure the data asset is accurate and current, Yarra City Council does not warrant that this data is definitive nor free of error and does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage, claim, expense, cost or liability whatsoever arising from reliance upon information provided herein. Feedback on the data asset - including compliments, complaints and requests for more detail - is welcome.

Australia - City of Yarra childcare centres


Sample Properties

  • {} 6 keys
    • "Acacia Fitzroy Creche"
    • "Parent committee"
    • "55 places"
    • "03 9419 1142"
    • null
    • "1"
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