Wellington Regional Council NRP Schedule I Trout Spawning Water

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Wellington Regional Council - NRP Schedule I Trout Spawning Water, Trout spawning waters in the Wellington Region identified by Wellington Fish and Game and based on the Fisheries Resource Inventory. Each catchment and river has its own inventory database that is continually updated and added to with information from field work that includes drift dive surveys, fish traps, electric fishing counts and tagging. Trout spawn in gravel bottomed, upland rivers and tributaries from late autumn to mid-winter. Preferred spawning habitats are in water depths of 0.15-0.45 m, with flow velocities of 0.20-0.55 m/s-1 on a gravel substrate with clast sizes in the range of 14-64 mm. This dataset is a companion to the trout fishery rivers feature layer. The general methodology is to identify rivers and streams that are important for trout recruitment, followed up by field surveys to identify sections of rivers that satisfy spawning conditions on the basis of preferred spawning habitat and the presence and number of redds. Regular spawning surveys are undertaken on waterbodies known to be important contributors to trout populations of a catchment. Further information can be found in the report: Tahere, S. (2015), Trout Sports Fisheries and Trout Spawning Habitat Fish and Game NZ Wellington Region – Greater Wellington Region. Wellington Fish and Game Council, 22p + appendices.

Wellington Regional Council NRP Schedule I Trout Spawning Water

Sample Properties

  • {} 14 keys
    • 1
    • "Important trout spawning waters"
    • "Waiohine"
    • "Reach 1"
    • 55.85841047
    • 27.92920508
    • "Schedule I: Important trout fishery rivers and spawning waters"
    • "Policy P105; Rule R97"
    • 1810825.86036164
    • 5460680.85429253
    • ""
    • 1117325.57714844
    • 55858.41047224
    • "Mangatarere Stream"
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