Taranaki Resource Consent - Discharge Permits
Request AccessLayers related to Resource Consents issued by Taranaki Regional Council under the New Zealand Reource Management Act for specific activities.
![Taranaki Resource Consent - Discharge Permits](https://storage.googleapis.com/dataset-preview-images/c_geojson_taranaki_resource_consent_discharge_permits.png)
Date | 02/12/2019 |
License | The information displayed in this opendata portal website has been taken from the Taranaki Regional Council databases and maps.The information is made available in good faith but the councils do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information. The information contained in the website must only be used as a guide. Users of this website who rely on the information provided without obtaining independent verification, do so at their own risk.To the extent permitted by law, the council (including the employees, agents and contractors), will not accept responsibility or liability for any costs, damages or loss suffered by any person, either directly or indirectly, as a result of reliance on any information contained in this website or for any error, inadequacy or deficiency in or omission from the information provided.All intellectual property rights in, to and in respect of the information, data and materials appearing on the website (including any copyright in text, illustrations and photographs) are and remain the property either of the council or of other third parties who have licensed that intellectual property to the council.Cadastral and Topographic information derived from Land Information New Zealand, CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. Fundamental Soils Layer and Land Resource Inventory information derived from Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd, Crown Copyright 2000. |
Sample Properties
- {} 11 keys▶
- "2032-05-31T00:00:00.000Z"
- "R2/0609-3.0"
- "Discharge Permit"
- "Water - Stormwater"
- "To discharge stormwater from industrial land in the Waitaha catchment via multiple outfalls between De Havilland Drive and State Highway 3 into the Waitaha Stream and various unnamed tributaries of the Waitaha Stream"
- "Auster Place, Connett Road East, De Havilland Drive, Hudson Road, and Mustang Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth"
- "Building Construction/Drainage/Flood Control"
- "Current"
- 1700890
- 5679047
- 3641