Canterbury - Floodways - Flood Protection and Drainage Bylaw 2013 - amended 2019
Request AccessCanterbury - Floodways - Flood Protection and Drainage Bylaw 2013 - amended 2019 - This layer was amended in January 2019 Floodways as defined in the Flood Protection and Drainage Bylaw 2013. See RMA definition of riverbed and NRRP guidance 6.2 2 2. Generally, a river bed line shows the outside toe of the stopbank where there are stopbanks (provided the stopbank is of a sufficient standard), a terrace, or, where there are no well-defined terraces or stopbanks, a pragmatic boundary such as a ridge, the edge of a channel or a road. Where a "draft river bed" line is shown, an "alternative river bed line" is less preferred. Where there are multiple "alternative" lines shown, there is less certainty about which line is most reasonable. Where there is only one "alternative" line and no "draft"line, this is an area where there is little evidence and least confidence in the line.

Date | 10/06/2019 |
License | CC BY 3.0 |
Sample Properties
- {} 10 keys▶
- 1
- "Floodway"
- 2493.17376522
- 2
- "MatthewS"
- "2012-05-31T00:00:00.000Z"
- "HamishL"
- "2012-05-31T00:00:00.000Z"
- 2493.1737652202623