Wellington Regional Council NRP Schedule E1 E4 Historic Heritage Coastal Features

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Wellington Regional Council - NRP Schedule E1 E4 Historic Heritage Coastal Features, Historic heritage sites of significance scheduled in the Natural Resources Plan based on work contained in reports produced under contract to Greater Wellington Regional Council by Chris Cochran, Russell Murray, Michael Kelly and Andy Dodd (2012), Coastal Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region: Survey for the Coastal Plan Review. Cochran & Murray Conservation Architects and Subsurface Ltd.The criteria used to evaluate the sites was drawn from Policy 21 of the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region 2013. Schedule E1- Historic Heritage Structures: This schedule contains coastal structures with significant historic heritage values where any physical changes must be carefully considered. Consultants were engaged to evaluate these sites and they jointly prepared a detailed report entitled Coastal Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region. Those involved were Chris Cochran and Russell Murray, conservation architects; Michael Kelly, heritage consultant; and Andy Dodd, archaeologist. Schedule E2- Historic Heritage Wharves and Boatsheds: This schedule contains wharves and boatsheds with significant historic heritage values, which can tolerate some minimal changes without a reduction in historic heritage significance. Consultants were engaged to evaluate these sites and they jointly prepared a detailed report entitled Coastal Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region. Those involved were Chris Cochran and Russell Murray, conservation architects; Michael Kelly, heritage consultant; and Andy Dodd, archaeologist. Schedule E3- Historic Heritage Navigation Aids: This schedule contains navigation aids with significant historic heritage values, which can tolerate some minimal changes without a reduction in historic heritage significance. Consultants were engaged to evaluate these sites and they jointly prepared a detailed report entitled Coastal Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region. Those involved were Chris Cochran and Russell Murray, conservation architects; Michael Kelly, heritage consultant; and Andy Dodd, archaeologist. Schedule E4- Archaeological Sites: This schedule contains archaeological sites with significant historic heritage values. Andy Dodd, archaeologist, evaluated these sites and prepared a detailed report entitled Coastal & Underwater Archaeological Sites of the Wellington Region.Cochran, C., Murray, R., Kelly, M. & Dodd, A. (2012), Coastal Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region: Survey for the Coastal Plan Review. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, 322p. Dodd, A. (2013), Coastal and Underwater Archaeological Sites of the Wellington Region: Survey for the Coastal Plan Review. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, 411p. These features pertain to Policy P46: Managing adverse effects on sites with significant historic heritage value and; Policy P47: Appropriate Demolition. Other provisions may apply, please consult the Plan for further details.

Wellington Regional Council NRP Schedule E1 E4 Historic Heritage Coastal Features

Sample Properties

  • {} 16 keys
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    • "Centennial Highway"
    • "Paekakariki to Pukerua Bay"
    • "Seawall"
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    • "Kapiti Coast"
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    • "Schedule E1: Historic heritage structures"
    • "Historic heritage structures where physical change should be carefully considered"
    • "Policy P46; P47"
    • 1761526.40034769
    • 5458119.35801137
    • ""
    • 11230.06542969
    • 8929.2367345
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