Waikato DP Rangatahi Potential Tourism - Waikato District Council
Request AccessThese data sets are all associated with the council district plan, District Plan, and the Planning maps on Proposed District Plan Maps. The Overlay Polygons is a subset of the Proposed District Plan, the associated data are line and point features as well as the Proposed District Plan Zones.
![Waikato DP Rangatahi Potential Tourism - Waikato District Council](https://storage.googleapis.com/dataset-preview-images/c_geojson_waikato_dp_rangatahi_potential_tourism_waikato_district_council.png)
Date | 6/17/2019 |
License | CC BY 4.0 |
Sample Properties
- {} 6 keys▶
- 1688
- "Rangatahi"
- ""
- 3199.3203125
- 234.729828433632
- "Potential Tourism"