Hawkes Bay Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust Waterways

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Maungaharuru-Tangitu hapu statutory acknowledgements waterways. A statutory acknowledgement is a formal recognition made by the Crown of a claimant groups particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association with a specific area (statutory area) owned by the Crown. Statutory acknowledgements relate to specific areas of importance (known as statutory areas) to a claimant group and affects processes under the Resource Management Act, including applications for resource consents and local authority responsibilities. Council must have regard to statutory acknowledgements subject to the provision of Part II of the RMA, provide resource consent applications to relevant iwi and record statutory acknowledgement in statutory plans. See Schedule 1A of the RRMP.Can be used in determining affected/interested parties.

Hawkes Bay Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust Waterways


Sample Properties

  • {} 4 keys
    • "Te Wai-o-Hingänga / Esk River"
    • 11
    • "Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust"
    • 36885.18399197655
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