Wellington Accessible Waterfront Route
Request AccessWellington - Accessible Waterfront Route, This data set represents the accessible route along the Wellington Waterfront for persons with disabilities. The route starts from Queens Wharf and encompasses The Lagoon, Te Papa, Waitangi Park, Oriental Bay Beach and is accessible from the route through the CBD via. Civic Square and the over bridge. Any gradient over 1:12 is deemed too steep for wheel chair access.
![Wellington Accessible Waterfront Route](https://storage.googleapis.com/dataset-preview-images/c_geojson_wellington_accessible_waterfront_route.png)
Sample Properties
- {} 5 keys▶
- 415
- "City Route"
- "Pipitea"
- "Lambton Quay"
- "77cf0cf0-b0a0-4951-87d7-122213e05d6c"